Find solidarity and sanctuary with heart-powered women
The Woman Informed community is a place where we come to connect, learn, and grow so we can embody a Woman Informed consciousness for the benefit of our personal well-being, other women and women of the future. We reject the harmful norms of patriarchy, misogyny and sexism.
We remain in our power. We chose to relate from a place of authenticity, truth, love, confidence, kindness, care, support, and strength. We value direct communication infused with kindness. We nurture a safe environment for shared emotional connections. We honor boundaries. We embrace an openness to evolve, learn and grow. We feel joy when we see a woman experience abundance. Empowered women belong here. We support each women’s unique self-expression. We want you to be you. We want to hear your voice.
Our community includes:
- Opportunities for connections with women that are committed to supporting women.
- Facilitated conversations and thought provoking discussions.
- Affinity groups for like-minded groups and to address intersectional issues.
- Book club to discuss feminist classic and modern books on women’s issues.
- Woman’s issue-themed virtual movie nights.
- Opportunities to discuss women’s issues using a Woman-Informed lens.
- Closed group to avoid online troll activity and protect emotional safety.
- Live sessions on special topics.
- Weekly meditation and resourcing sessions.
We are strong women. Together we are stronger.